Fall season
The fall season is the main season. We play in three different tournaments, with a few scrimmages added in. If we win the New England Championship in the fall season, we have the opportunity to travel to the Collegiate Water Polo Association Club Nationals (hosted by a different school each year), and compete against the top teams from other divisions. Nationals is comprised of sixteen teams representing fifteen different regions.
Spring season
After everyone gets back from spring break in March, the Eagles start practicing again. The games during the spring season are not organized by the Collegiate Water Polo Association, but there a number of scrimmages and a few tournaments. It is a very fun time for the team and is meant to improve camaraderie and game play.
During the season, the team practices in the evening four or five times a week. We swim around 3,000 yards each practice, which we follow with a leg set, passing and shooting, and various drills and situational play. Often we hold inter-squad scrimmages in preparation for weekend tournaments.